A graphic of icons in a hexagonal grid.

Stories of Impact

How Changing Leadership Mindset and Clear Priorities Can Shift a Culture

Two men with their backs to the camera sitting at a desk with laptops.

Our Story

With the recent rollout of a new organization-wide operating model and new company goals at a $30B+ global medical device company, the senior leadership team of one of their largest business units had a tremendous amount of change ahead of them.

The client needed to adjust from operating as two separate business units to one full integrated operating unit. They were adjusting to the new ways of working while operating under intense internal and external pressure for high growth and revenue.

The senior leadership team of this newly integrated business unit made early progress following the organizational restructuring, but after six months of intense pressure to create and deliver growth, the momentum started to slow.

The Challenge

To drive real change and meet growth goals, the client knew they needed to:

  • Shift the culture and change mindsets to adopt new ways of working
  • Prioritize initiatives for a clear vision
  • Improve processes to drive accountability

The leadership team engaged us to bring new energy into the culture transformation, ensuring leaders had the right behaviors and tools in place to shift mindsets and transform how they do business. 

Our Approach

The client engaged us to support them in their culture transformation, which included:

  • Creating a stakeholder engagement plan with specific change interventions
  • Developing a change story and strategy, with key messaging for the change priorities
  • Identifying and setting priorities for the culture transformation
  • Solving for business process pain points and determining needed interventions

The project began with a thorough review of the work that had been done to date, and conducting 1:1 leadership interviews to validate current assumptions. Desired new behaviors were identified and a change strategy was created.

Next, a stakeholder analysis and engagement plan was created, including specific change interventions and targeted coaching plans for top executives. Partnering closely with the leadership team ensured they understood how to, and were accountable to, the expectation of leading their teams through changes ahead.

A customized prioritization tool addressed one of the main operational pain points; how to prioritize and progress initiatives while maintaining day to day operations. The prioritization tool identified the potential roadblocks and areas to lean into, using an extensive scoring system to weigh the cost vs. benefit of certain initiatives.

As a result of the prioritization tool, an escalation framework was developed, allowing the team to identify key impact triggers and thresholds, driving more productive conversations and decisions.

Exceptional Results

The client now has the tools and mindset to progress their culture transformation. They have a clear vision of where they should spend their time to drive growth and revenue, with identified roles and responsibilities, and the change capability to bring their people along for the journey. 

Pioneer Insights

  • Alignment at the highest level of leadership is critical before any broader business group will adopt change.
  • Unclear roles and processes result in overlapping responsibilities and a lack of empowerment within all teams.
  • A lack of engagement with middle-level leaders will hinder change adoption and progress across the business. 
  • A detailed communication and engagement strategy is necessary to ensure consistent messaging, progress and adoption.

Fast Facts

Key Deliverables:

  • Stakeholder Engagement Plan
  • Change Managment Strategy
  • Prioritization Framework

Key Results:

  • Identified and set priorities for change and developed communications to bring the team along
  • Drove clarity on prioritization and decision-making practices across functions
  • Created an engagement strategy to ensure consistent progress toward team goals

Are You Ready For Adventure?

If you have unmet milestones, a business vision in your back pocket, or a game plan with no idea how to implement it, let's talk.